The Beverage Container Management Board and the operation of the beverage container recycling system in Alberta will continue unchanged after a Government of Alberta review of agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs).
The review began in 2015 as part of a provincial government plan to improve services, ensure value for Albertans and to ensure the ABCs are transparent, accountable and using public dollars effectively and efficiently. Phase two of the review is now complete for all related ABCs and there are no changes for the BCMB.
The BCMB is one of three Delegated Administrative Organizations under Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), along with Alberta Recycling and the Alberta Used Oil Management Association (AUOMA). As a result of the review, the used oil management program managed by AUOMA will be consolidated with Alberta Recycling which oversees recycling programs for tires, electronics and paint.
AEP feels the consolidation will strengthen accountability mechanisms, support a multi-stakeholder approach to program management, improve administrative efficiency, reduce costs and provide Albertans streamlined access to information for recycling services to help achieve better outcomes. It will allow for more strategic decision-making to be made across the four programs. Click here for more information on the consolidation.
The beverage container recycling program is not impacted by the consolidation. It will continue to operate as normal and be administered by the BCMB. The operational specifics of the beverage container recycling program are unique (e.g. deposit-refund system) and it was therefore not considered for the program consolidation. Albertans can continue as usual to return empty beverage containers to any of the over 200 bottle depots across the province for their deposit refund.