Beverage Container Management Board

The Beverage Container Management Board was established as a management board under Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.  It is also a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta.

The BCMB is responsible for regulating Alberta’s beverage container recycling system, and leads the development of policy and programs that enable the recycling of beverage containers in Alberta. 

To regulate and enhance a leading and sustainable beverage container system that protects Alberta’s environment.

To be the leader in stewarding beverage containers to minimize their impact on the environment.

  • We value health and safety. We ensure measures are in place so that customers and staff feel safe and know their health is important to our industry.
  • We value our regulatory role. We strive to be leaders in the oversight of beverage container recycling and are proficient at protecting the system’s reputation. We work continuously with our stakeholders to improve customer experience and satisfaction.
  • We value a system that encourages a circular economy where producers are responsible for their products from development to end of life.
  • We value meaningful and measurable targets for our industry. The development and use of targets that allow us to measure progress in beverage container recycling and environmental protection makes the industry accountable and provides incentive for continuous improvement.
  • We value strong alignment among system stakeholders. A collaborative industry with joint decision making and open communication that works from a common framework will be better prepared to succeed.
  • We value diversity and inclusion. We explore ways in which our industry and the people who work in it can reflect the differences and qualities of the Albertans we serve. We recognize that diversity and inclusion drive innovation, and we are proud to support and foster creativity in our stakeholders to reflect their unique experiences.
  • We value innovation and technology that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of our system. Our industry is responsive to and seeks opportunities to improve system communication, information and security.
  • We value higher collection and recycling rates. Our efforts focus on the highest possible return of containers, while minimizing the impact of the system on the environment.
  • We value greater awareness and public participation. We educate retailers on the necessity of advertising the deposit, inform consumers on the environmental, economic and social benefits of recycling beverage containers, and encourage participation regardless of where beverages are consumed.

Delegated Administrative Organizations

The BCMB is a Delegated Administrative Organization (DAO) - an arm’s length organization that has delegated government authority under the Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas to impose requirements on recycling program stakeholders. DAOs are unique - a range of stakeholders are encouraged to participate, including industry, government and the public. These parties are primarily involved in program stewardship through appointments to the Board of Directors.

Industry Collaboration

Collaboration has long been the cornerstone of the beverage container recycling industry in Alberta and has helped make it one of the most successful systems of its kind in North America. Through cooperation with our industry stakeholders, the BCMB oversees a system that is efficient and innovative in its sustainability efforts. 


Click the links below to learn more about our industry stakeholders.

Industry Collaboration
ABCRC Learn More


Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation - Collection System Agent

ABDA Learn More


Alberta Bottle Depot Association - represents depots

BDL Learn More


Brewers Distributor LTD. - Collection Service Provider

AGLC Learn More


Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission - oversees Alberta’s liquor, gaming and cannabis industries

AUMA Learn More


Alberta Urban Municipalities Association

WDC Learn More


Western Dairy Council

CBA Learn More


Canadian Beverage Association

How the system works

Interested in learning how Alberta’s beverage container recycling system works?